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The Power of 13

We would like to thank the Academy Players of RI and The Stage Door Project for raising money for Passion 4 Paws on Friday evening during the musical production of 13. The performers had amazing voices and their anti-bullying message was powerful. We had Neville there, and he wanted us to pass along a message from him: "13 was an amazing performance and the message really hit home, as I too have been judged unfairly and bullied in my life simply because I am a pit bull mix. Being treated unfairly makes me feel terrible, as I have never done anything to deserve it. It has in fact motivated me to become an advocate for all the wonderful pit bulls out there that aren't getting a fair chance in life simply because some people have preconceived notions regarding their breed. Bullying needs to end now! In our schools, in our shelters, in our communities. But it won't happen unless we all stand united in this belief. If you or anyone you know has ever been bullied, please LIKE this post and help us spread the word. If you have an opportunity, please go see 13 and support the Academy Players of RI. It was an excellent show and I am so glad I got to be a part of it and meet the cast."

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